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The Best Mini Banana Muffins


It’s 2014, and I want to at least start out with a semblance of healthy.  Does replacing sugar with honey qualify? It’s rainy and windy, and I need something fun and semi-sweet. These muffins are the perfect bite size treat.IMG_0708IMG_1191IMG_1192IMG_1193IMG_1195IMG_1198IMG_0809 IMG_1204 IMG_0814

The Best Mini Banana Muffins

1 cup flour
½  teaspoon baking powder
¾  teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla

1-1/2 ripe mashed bananasThe
¼ cup softened butter
¼ cup Plus 2 Tablespoons honey
¼ cup milk
1 egg

Sift together flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt, set aside.
In a separate bowl, mix butter and honey until light yellow and fluffy. Beat in egg and vanilla. Fold in the flour mixture. Add milk to the mashed bananas and then pour in to above mixture and beat lightly until blended.

Butter mini muffin tins. Pour in approximately ½ full and cook at 350 for 15 minutes.

Makes 34 mini muffins

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