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Chocolate Covered Strawberries


Chocolate covered strawberries are such a sweet treat. These are so easy to make and the white and dark chocolate elevate them to another level. I’m making these for Valentine’s Day and giving them out to friends.






Chocolate Covered Strawberries Recipe

1 pound of strawberries
4 ounces white chocolate chopped
½ teaspoon butter
2 ounces semi-sweet chocolate chopped

Prepare a baking sheet with a piece of parchment or wax paper.
Rinse the strawberries and dry them well with paper towels. Let them sit at room temperature.

Bring a small saucepan of water to a boil and reduce the heat to a simmer. Put the chopped white chocolate and the ½ teaspoon of butter in a bowl large enough to sit on top of the saucepan but not touch the water. (White chocolate tends to be thicker than semisweet chocolate so the butter helps smooth it out and coat the strawberry more evenly.) Stir the chocolate with a spatula. It will melt very quickly. Remove from the heat and transfer to a small container that is narrower on the bottom so that the white chocolate coats the strawberries most of the way.

After dipping the strawberries put them on a parchment lined baking sheet. Refrigerate until the white chocolate hardens, approximately ½ an hour.

Place a small bowl of the chopped semisweet chocolate over the hot water and melt, stirring often. Dip the strawberries about half the way up the white chocolate. Refrigerate till set. Make within a few hours of serving them.

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